
Turf Covers Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Originally developed for winter protection, Evergreen performs with outstanding results. Once the cover is installed, the green is
protected for the entire winter against wind desiccation, foot traffic and certain acts of vandalism, such is caused by cross-country skiers.

In the early spring, the greenhouse effect begins to warm the soil resulting in earlier root establishment. The increased air temperature underneath the cover and in the soil gives a much earlier greening effect. Most reports received by winter users show quicker openings by 2 – 3 weeks. The revenue received in this period is very substantial for most courses.

Depending on geographical locations and times of year, Evergreen increases the soil temperature and air temperature under the cover by as much as 10°F.

Once the cover is in place, people know ”The Green Is Closed”. The money saved in chemicals and labour in repreparing the green for winter is substantial, let alone the savings in labour and down time to repair depressions left on the green by traffic. Courses located in areas with wildlife such as deer, geese, etc., have also reported savings in turf damage caused by animals and/or birds in eating or romping on the turf.

In severe winter conditions found in such areas as Canada and the Northern U.S. States, Evergreen is used from November to April. However, many areas such as Nevada, North Carolina and Texas experience winter-like conditions for much shorter periods of time. In these such areas, where courses are open year round, but are faced with periods of frost or drastic temperature change, Evergreen protects against frost and shock or can be used to re-establish turf after the damage has been done. The ease of installation allows for quicker response to changing conditions in order to protect the turf.

The covers’ shielding effect acts as a divider between the ice and the plant. Paper thin ice is normally broken up by the cover’s flexible reaction to wind.

When ice becomes thicker and remains for longer periods of time, many turf managers will break it up and shovel it off. The incredible strength of Evergreen allows the grounds keeper to work at removing the ice from resting on the cover. The non-absorbing characteristics are most important in the case of ice because the ice is on top of the cover and not in the cover. The greenhouse effect is also used to assist thawing any ice that may build up under the cover. Here again, ice under the cover should be broken up by hand if possible.

A popular sized Evergreen cover, such as 72’x 90′ (6,480 square feet) can be installed by 3 people in less than 20 minutes. The one piece concept and the light weight construction are characteristics designed for the turf manager to utilize little labour and time because Evergreen is installed for winter, at a time when most courses employ a reduced staff in the grounds maintenance department.

Greens protected with Evergreen have shown a reduction in the snow mould fungus. What little snow mould does appear repairs itself much quicker due to the more established root system. Note: Evergreen does not eliminate the need for chemicals and procedures generally used to protect against snow mould. However, the shielding effect of Evergreen aids in keeping the chemicals in the area of application, therefore giving better chemical performance.

Since 1985, Evergreen has been used throughout North America for new greens or field construction. In the case of golf courses, new construction could be an entire course an older established course re-building a green, tee or even a fairway. Many builders, designers or suppliers doing new construction now include or specify Evergreen as part of the project

Even though Evergreen will allow sun, air and water penetration, it will not allow grass to penetrate. As grass is growing, the light weight fabric of the cover rises with the grass. For newly seeded projects, this is very important because the new grass will not be pulled out when the cover is removed.

Because of the one piece system, consistent design and available sizes, establishment in the entire seeded area will be uniform. If the seed is consistently applied to a properly prepared surface, full coverage of the seeded area can be expected.

It has been reported, as shown on the available video tape, that Evergreen can accelerate establishment to playing conditions by as much as four months. The greenhouse effect and the protecting qualities of Evergreen, will give germination within days. Once the seed has germinated, it is the decision of the turf manager (based on time of the year and existing weather conditions) to keep the cover down or remove it. Many users for new construction keep the covers down for as long as possible to insure protection and enhance establishment for the new grass. Courses with on-site nurseries use Evergreen to insure they always have turf available for their own sodding purposes rather than purchasing sod from outside sources.

Acts of nature such as high winds, downpours, or birds which normally remove the new seed are greatly reduced, if not eliminated, when the seed is under an Evergreen cover.

As the new seed is protected from loss through erosion, winds or birds, the take is much greater from the beginning. Most, if not all of the money spent in the past to prepare and reseed areas where the seed did not establish, can be saved in addition to getting players on the course sooner.

Evergreen is offered in six (6) standard sizes, which range in square footage to protect small trees or greens of approximately 9,000 sq.ft.

  • 12’x 50’ (600 sq. ft.)
  • 24’x 50’ (1200 sq. ft.)
  • 48’x 60’ (2,880 sq. ft.)
  • 60’x 90’ (5,400 sq. ft.)
  • 72’x 90’ (6,480 sq. ft.)
  • 84’x 110’ (9,240 sq. ft.)

For applications which require unique sizes, Evergreen covers are available regardless of the square footage. The special size covers are becoming more in demand each year as greens are made larger or more shaped. In many cases, the small up charge for custom sizes works out cheaper for the end user because the cover is made closer to the required size rather than having a large cover on a small green. When measuring the area to be covered, it is important to note that either the length or width must be divisible by 12’ to conform with our material.

The basic fabric of Evergreen weighs less than 2 oz. per sq. yd. A full sized cover (72’x 90’) complete with anchoring pegs and storage pegs has a shipping weight of approximately 85 lbs. (approx. 2 oz./yd.). The Evergreen cover’s weight remains the same throughout its lifespan due to the nonabsorbent properties. The light weight features of Evergreen also eliminates any smothering or flattening of the turf.

Each Evergreen cover, whether it be a standard size or a custom, comes complete with the appropriate number of pegs, i.e. 72’x 90’ cover includes approximately 200 pegs, which will secure the cover every 3’ around the perimeter and every 10’ up the seams. The pegs are 6” long, rust resistant, high quality steel and resembles the sod staple familiar to most superintendents.

Each Evergreen cover, whether it be a standard size or a custom size, comes complete with a storage bag. The storage bag is marked indicating the size of the cover and in the case of specials, will also indicate the green or tee number the cover belongs to. The protective storage bag is made from high quality woven and coated poly designed to give years of protection when the cover is being stored either inside or outside.

Evergreen turf covers have a 7 year pro-rated warranty, however, in information provided to us by distributors throughout North America, they are experiencing replacement business after 8 – 10 years of use. Evergreen EVS has a 3 year pro-rated warranty and lasts approximately 5 years. The number of years that the covers will last is directly related to geographical locations, the number of months per year in use, and in-house handling and storage procedures. To our knowledge, all covers sold to date have lasted in excess of the warranty periods.

Evergreen was designed for the turf industry taking into consideration weather conditions when the cover would be used, availability of labour, distances from the maintenance area to the area where the cover would be required, and the inconsistency of the ground surface. For these and other reasons, the Evergreen covers are very light, compact and complete (pegs and bag). The covers are even folded for shipping, to reduce labour when installing. The covers are also strong, so they do not have to be treated gently for fear of tearing. The one piece concept is a main area of user consideration. The cover is so easy to handle that it can be either installed or removed using few people in very little time. i.e. a full 18 hole course can install 19 covers (including a putting green) using 3-4 people in approximately 8 hours

All previously mentioned characteristics of Evergreen, such as UV treated, non-absorbent, compact, convenient bag, etc. eliminate the worries of storing the covers when not in use. The protective bag allows the cover to be stored outdoors if shed space is not available.

Regardless if Evergreen is stored indoors or out, it does not require special attention such as climate control because Evergreen will not rot or create mould. With storage space at a premium, Evergreen was designed to utilize as little space as possible, i.e. 18 covers (72’x 90’) which equals 116,640 square feet can be put in an area approximately 10’ wide, 10’ long and 6’ high.

This question will be broken down into the following categories:

A. Full Winter Protection
In areas that are affected by full winter conditions resulting in golf courses or athletic fields being closed until spring, Evergreen is usually put down in late November or early December. The covers are left down until late March or early April. These dates can vary with the weather, however once the turf has gone dormant but before the ground freezes, Evergreen can be installed.

B. Partial Winter Protection
In areas which experience temporary winter conditions lasting short periods of time, Evergreen should be applied just before these foul weather conditions begin, i.e. if there is a sudden drop in temperature causing frost. Evergreen should be applied just prior and remain down until the temperature begins to rise to somewhat normal conditions.

C. New Seeding
Regardless of location or weather conditions when seeding, Evergreen should be put down just after the seed has been planted. This will eliminate the risk of seed loss through erosion or birds while speeding up the germination process. It is a judgement call as to how long the covers will remain down. We have found the majority of users for this application keep the covers down until the new grass is well established and uniform throughout the
seeded area. Depending on climatic conditions at the time of seeding, Evergreen could be down for less than a week or for the entire winter when the seeding takes place in the late fall in the Northern regions.

When using Evergreen for specific jobs such as winter protection or re-seeding, the covers should be ordered no less than four (4) weeks prior to the estimated time of use. This will insure the covers will be there when they are required. It also gives a brief period of comfort just in case mother nature or work crews are not complying with the scheduled dates. Acting as an insurance policy – EVERGREEN SHOULD BE ORDERED ANYTIME. Having Evergreen covers on hand at all times is a very inexpensive way to protect against lost greens, lost playing time and ultimately lost profits.

One of the contributing factors to the unparalleled success of Evergreen has been its positive impact on environmentally concerned superintendents and turf managers. Evergreen is the only proven turf cover on the market which is environmentally friendly. Throughout the world, the types of chemicals and pesticides used on recreational turf such as golf courses and athletic fields are under continual scrutiny from government bodies and environmental lobbyists. Evergreen is used in many applications to keep applied chemicals in place to combat either evaporation or run off into nearby bodies of water.

The non-absorbing qualities of Evergreen reduces chemicals adhering to the cover and hence reduces the risk of grounds personnel being injured when handling the cover.

A. Reduce
Due to the durability of Evergreen (up to 10 years use), the amount of material that has to be discarded over time is 1/4 to 1/3 of other covers.

B. Reuse
Evergreen does it all!!! The multi-purpose aspect of Evergreen will allow it to be used for winter protection, spring enhancement, new course construction and course remodeling. There is no need to purchase two or more types of covers for the course. Many Evergreen covers are purchased for new course construction to accelerate germination and then remain with the course to give years of service in winter protection. As the years progress in the use of
an Evergreen cover, certain areas of the cover could get damaged by misuse, vandalism, mishandling or simply wearing out. Usually when this occurs, the cover is trimmed and then reapplied to a smaller green or tee box to give more years of service. For example, a cover originally 84’x 110’ to be used on green #4 after 6 years could be trimmed to 62’x 85’ which could fit green #16 where its original cover is being used on #10 tee box.

No other cover on the market is able to be trimmed or cut and then reused with the same performance as if it were new.

C. Recycle
Due to the porosity of the Evergreen cover, with a 0% absorption rate, the Evergreen cover is perfect for a soil separator in sand traps, cart paths or lining flower beds. This is phenomenal, in that a cover purchased for pennies per square foot can give up to 10 years service in protecting and enhancing golf greens and then have further benefit to the golf course. As can be seen, very little of the cover ever need be thrown away.

Evergreen is sold by distributors in the turf industry located throughout North America. To place an order or receive further information, contact your local golf course distributor. If, for whatever reason, an Evergreen distributor is not in your area, call us direct at either of the numbers on this website and we will put you in contact with a stocking distributor close by.

Fan Facts About Our Turf Covers
Did you Know

The best golfers in the world have played on turf grown, enhanced or protected by Evergreen since 1985

Can you guess the correct answer?

Hover or click for the answer.

How many golf courses have used Evergreen to cover their greens?

Too many to count

What is the average cost savings for an Evergreen Turf Covers customer?


Average Dollars Saved

In how many countries are Evergreen Turf Covers used?

Wherever recreational turf is played on

How many jobs has Evergreen Turf Covers created in North America?

Evergreen has created or protected jobs wherever it is used

Advantages of Evergreen Turf Covers
Your Grass And Patrons Will Love You For It.
What To Avoid in a Turf Cover.
Covers With A Sewn/Grommet Edge.